It’s All Perspective
After Veteran’s Day, I was changing out my cover photo on Facebook back to a nature-type photo. Since winter hasn’t fully arrived, I wanted to stay with an autumn theme. Living in south central Texas, I had to go back into the archives a couple years to grab a picture taken in Grand Teton National Park where the autumn leaves were nicely contrasted against the conifer trees and reflected on the water.
A good friend asked where this basically nondescript picture was taken. Knowing that the Ox Bow Bend turnout in the park was more famously known for its iconic view of Mt. Moran being reflected off the Snake River, I included the picture below in the response to add a little clarity. But, when my friend asked this simple question about this location, I had to start writing.
This slow moving section of the river downstream of Jackson Lake is ideal for capturing the morning sunrise glow lighting up the Tetons and being reflected off the smooth water when conditions are right. Certainly, having the Aspen trees in their full autumn glory is a spectacular thing to experience and it is opportunities like this that have created and continue to fuel my passion for photography.
It is very natural for me when seeing an amazing picture is to want to know where I have to go to see something like this. Seeing great pictures has sent me to the internet in search of these magical locations on more than one occasion. Many places have been added to my bucket list as a result of those searches. But, what was unique about this particular cover picture is that it wasn’t the iconic place that inspired the picture. Otherwise stated, I didn’t go to Ox Bow Bend to capture a picture of some autumn leaves mixed among conifer trees reflecting off the river. I was there to see, and hopefully capture, the iconic image the location is famous for…and the place was absolutely gorgeous!
Northwest Wyoming is one of my favorite places in the world but the real inspiration for this post wasn’t to add Ox Bow Bend to anyone’s bucket list. Millions of visitors pass by this location every year, far fewer actually pull over and stop for a quick look. Even fewer yet get out of the car and spend some time just connecting to the place. Spending that time and making that personal connection is what allowed me to look the other direction across the water and see the trees reflecting in the water. It also allowed me to look closer yet and see the amazing wildlife that calls this place home. It was that collective experience that is priceless.
As a final note…these moments in life are fleeting. The next morning winter set in and this autumn wonderland had begun to put on its winter coat. While this brought an end to autumn, a whole new set of winter opportunities begins!
There is one special secret. I have found some of my most amazing moments on the fringes of the day. Watching the rising sun light up the Tetons is breathtaking. Wildlife is far more abundant and visible and the crowds far less abundant than later in the day. The same applies to sunsets. So, if you find that extra special experience appealing, venture out when others sleep. That’s why naps were invented! 🙂
Enjoy the moment!!
If Ox Bow Bend is some place that interests you, here is portion of the Grand Teton National Park Map pointing to the turnout.
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