Backyard Appreciation – Part 2

In a prior post, I mentioned how we often miss those opportunities that are right in our backyard.  Today was a classic example of what could have been an epic miss.  I got a Facebook callout on the solar eclipse that was happening today.  I did set my alarm to remind me about it.  About an hour from the time the eclipse was starting, I felt the strong urge to find a cool spot to capture the moment.  The winds were calm and, for whatever reason, Canyon Lake came to mind.  So I packed up and drove the 20 minutes to get to the dam which had a nice westward facing view of the upcoming sunset across the lake.  It was a great South Texas evening!

The clouds made for an interesting effect on the eclipse…and very little opportunities to see it!  🙂

Solar Eclipse

The air was still and the evening was quiet along the lake shore.  Waiting for sunset is not too bad!

Canyon Lake Sunset

Upcoming Sunset – Canyon Lake, TX

In the final moments prior to sunset, the gentleman fishing had drifted right into position…spectacular!!

Canyon Lake Eclipse Sunset

Canyon Lake Eclipse Sunset

Can’t wait what tomorrow may bring!

Want to know about events like eclipses:

Time and Date Astronomy Page



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