The Art of Water

One of the inspirations for photography is simply getting out and exploring cool places and then finding the treasures. Sometimes the treasures are obvious and well mapped like those iconic attractions in the national parks. Sometimes the treasures are hidden and you have to hunt around to find them. Sometimes …

Live Life to the Fullest

We get up every day with a simple choice…how do we spend our time?  I have been very fortunate to have friends that choose to find a nice work hard/play hard balance.  The “play hard” part of the balance includes getting out and pursuing some amazing outdoor adventures.  Activities like …

Glacial Lake Missoula…I never knew!!

Glacial Lake Missoula…I never knew! Full disclosure. My college education includes a B.S. in Geology (1985) and M.A. in Human Resource Development (1995).  Most of my professional career was as a pilot with several years’ experience in aircraft avionics design and enterprise software development.  What does that all mean?  Nothing …

My Best Lie

Anyone that knows me well knows I love photography.  Gayla often refers to my camera as my “mistress” …and I have several.  I have always had cameras which I used over the years to snap shots of our family and capture places we went.  Most pictures I took were fine …

The Grand Staircase

Early last summer, I took a photo road trip with an old photographer friend (Bob) to the Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks.  If you have read other posts you probably know Bob and some of our previous adventures.  Our goal on this trip was to hit these …